Radish / Pea Mix Video

I have been visiting a  farm in eastern Whitley County Indiana over the past month and have seen a few fields of an Austrian Winter Pea/Radish mixture.  These fields were wheat fields that had dairy manure knifed into them after they had been harvested and deep tilled.  The video shows what a great stand the

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Aerial Application of cover crops — an art or a science…or both?

I have heard that a number of aerial applicators admit that they are guessing approximately how wide they need to fly to apply different cover crops. I have seen evidence that some of them have guessed wrong!  Two or three years ago an applicator guessed wrong by leaving approximately 80’ wide gaps in a number

Aerial Application of cover crops — an art or a science…or both? Read More »

Cover Crops and Manure are a Great Combination

During my past five years with the Midwest Cover Crops Council, I have heard cover crop experts say that “the farmer who has access to manure is the perfect candidate to use cover crops.” I witnessed this truth up-close and personal this fall when visiting the Leman farm in NW Indiana.  The Leman family has

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Radish planted with wheat (at seeding time) adds yield? There are a bunch of farmers saying “yes, it does!”

While in northwest Ohio in the Fall of 2010 for a manure management field day, some area farmers told me that wheat producers are adding 2-4# of cover crop radishes per acre to the wheat in the drill…and experiencing excellent results. Some reported gaining 5-7 bushels per acre by adding the radishes.  Others even reduced their nitrogen application by 20%

Radish planted with wheat (at seeding time) adds yield? There are a bunch of farmers saying “yes, it does!” Read More »

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