Author name: Dave Robison

Cover Crops underground…I was not disappointed, I was a bit surprised!

The Crimson clover had dense roots and we found a number of them at over 40″ deep. At cover crop field days over the past few weeks many interesting aspects of cover crops were revealed.  One reminder about cover crops; it is NOT what is above ground that is the best indicator of success.  Please

Cover Crops underground…I was not disappointed, I was a bit surprised! Read More »

Federal Crop Insurance and cover crops that live through the winter

If you have cover crops that live through the winter and also take out Federal crop insurance there are some documents that are important to review.  Most of us have some level of understanding or experience that using cover  crops is a sound agronomic practice that helps our farms become more profitable.  Most of you

Federal Crop Insurance and cover crops that live through the winter Read More »

Medium Red Clover as a cover crop

Frost seeding clover into wheat has been a standard practice for many years.  Many producers have used “60/40 Plowdown Clover” in their wheat…but in many areas that practice has stopped as double crop soybean plantings have pushed further into northern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.  If double crop soybeans are not an option (or not desired)

Medium Red Clover as a cover crop Read More »

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