Hi, my name is Dave Robison. I am a cover crop and forage agronomist working in the Midwestern region of the United States. Further down you will find a list of activities and assignments that I’ve been a part of over the years that have given me a unique perspective on the cover crop industry. But first…
Why you should read this website:
I hope this will be a valuable resource for your cover crop information. My goal is to make it easy for you to find the answers to any questions you may have about cover crops.
Next, you can tell me what YOU want to know. You can reach me at dave@plantcovercrops.com. I’ll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please send me testimonials on how cover crops work on your farm!
You can sign up for my newsletter. I send out periodic updates on different cover crop topics and it can come right to your inbox. Often times these newsletters are answers to the e-mail questions I receive.
The information below will (hopefully!) establish my credibility:
Midwest Cover Crop Council –(founding member –member 8 years)
This council involves people from NRCS, SWCD, Extension, Soils professors, ARS, National Soil Tilth Lab leaders, etc…The MCCC involves 10 states and 3 Canadian provinces. I am the only seedsman on the council. I have spoken to this group at the Ontario, Canada (2009); Ames, Iowa (2010), Ada, Ohio (2011), and London, Ontario Canada (2013) meetings on types of cover crop seed and their uses. In 2009 I spoke about “How and Where to Find Cover Crop Seed.” In 2010 I spoke on “The Buzz about Radishes,” teaching about the different characteristics and uses of the different types of radishes. In 2011 I spoke on Using Legumes and Inoculants for N Fixation.In 2013 I spoke on “Seed selection, mixtures, and establishment”.
Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Committee member
This committee of 20 people from across Indiana includes the ISDA, ISWCD, NRCS, Purdue Extension, etc…I am one of two seedsmen on this committee.
National Cool-Season Grass Initiative (co-founder 2001-02, Co-Chairman – 2010 – 2012)
I initiated this committee because many people in the seed industry and in state extension did not know the true characteristics of annual ryegrass or Italian ryegrass. Since its inception we have added several other members from the seed industry and extension from across the USA. We examine the benefits and limitations of cool-season grasses and the best way to utilize each cool season grass species.
Other stuff
Along with my committee responsibilities, I also speak across North America on the value of cover crops and how they can be better utilized. I have considerable experience planning and overseeing “on the farm” trials all across a 6 state region along with working extensively with university researchers at their testing sites.
Other, other stuff
I have an awesome family consisting of my wife Sally and our 7 (yes, seven) children…ages 31 to 9. My wife and I have served as missionaries to the Hispanic community in our county for seven years and I was pastor of a small country church for three years. I love to garden and read and study the Bible…and help people be successful in agriculture and life. In May 2012 I had a job change which now takes me to the upper-Midwest more so hopefully the flavor of this blog will now include more information from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and the Dakotas as well as the Eastern Corn Belt.
And now the disclaimer that keeps folks from trying to take money from me (that I don’t have) in case their cover crops are not perfect or cause “problems” on their farms…
“Technical data herein is solely a compilation of observations from various geographical areas, conditions, and laboratory tests. Growing results, including varietal characteristics and performance, vary depending on region, climate, soil, seed enhancements, environmental conditions, local management practices and other factors. Dave Robison and plantcovercrops.com DOES NOT GUARANTEE growing success. Any technical advice by Dave Robison and plantcovercrops.com is given without charge. Therefore, Dave Robison and plantcovercrops.com disclaims any warranty and disclaims all liability for such advice.”
I write this blog to help farmers to be more successful and I do it at no charge. My hope is that each reader finds great success in all of their endeavors – including cover crops.