Cover Crop Field Day July 22-23, 2013

This looks like a Fantastic Field Day in Emporia, Kansas.  Gail Fuller sent me the info and I believe this will be well worth the time and investment to attend if at all possible.  There is a great line-up of speakers!

Here is the note from Gail about the event held last year…

Last year I had organic producers, long and short term No-tillers, conventional tillers, ranchers and agency people from 10 states and 2 country’s, so it will be a very diverse crowd. It will center around “farming in natures image” or eco-farming with sessions focused on symbiotic relationships within the system. Plant to plant, microbe to plant, insect to plant, etc. Livestock will be included as they are an important part of a system. It will all be tied to healthier food, and healthier living.  
Thanks Again!

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