Yellow blossom sweet clover is a spring-seeded nitrogen-fixing biennial legume, capable of producing 100 lbs. N/acre, or more, depending on weather conditions.
Seeding Rate (lbs. / acre)
- Drill: 10-15
- Broadcast: 15-20
- In a mix: 2-5
– Planting depth: 1/8”–1/4”
– Approximate seeds/lb: 250,000
– Days to germination: 7–10
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Benefits & Info
- Frost seed in the spring into winter small grain crop
- Can improve soil drainage with large, vigorous tap root
- Great pollinator option; good food source for honey bees and beneficial predatory wasps
- Matures 10-14 days earlier than white blossom sweet clover
- Recognized for its ability to mineralize depleted soils
- “Green Manure” fits this clover
Forage Considerations
- Do not use for hay, pasture, or silage