Hairy vetch is a late summer-seeded nitrogen-fixing biennial legume, capable of producing 100 lbs./acre of N or more, depending on conditions.
Seeding Rate (lbs. / acre)
- Drill: 18-20
- Broadcast: 25-30
- In a mix: 8-15
– Planting depth: 1/8”–1/4”
– Approximate seeds/lb: 16,000
– Days to germination: 7–10
Hairy Vetch Benefits & Info
- Hairy vetch is a strong nitrogen producer
- An excellent choice for phosphorus scavenging, weed suppression, and soil improvement
- Needs 5-6 weeks of growth in the fall to overwinter; snow cover improves winter tolerance
- Great cover crop option when mixed with small grains or annual ryegrass
- Tolerates poor soil environments, low fertility, and low pH (5.5–7.5)
- Keep off poorly drained soils
- Low C:N ratio – quick decay and mineralization
- Villana™ variety produces almost no hard seed and brings increased winterhardiness
- WATCH OUT – possible association with increased soybean cyst nematode/root-knot nematode
- WATCH OUT – common varieties often contain hard seed and can emerge in the future